'poo wars' are taking Cape Town by storm... again. They are politically
charged, indelibly tied to Apartheid planning but ultimately about giving
people (yes, people) the dignity to poo; safely, in private and without
compromising the health of their community - something most people reading this
blog take for granted.
On current evidence, it seems the truth of the matter is
that providing basic sanitation services to South Africa's poor seems too big a
challenge for our major cities, regardless of who governs them (unpalatable as
that might be to many DA supporters). In their defence though, delivering
effective sanitation services to informal settlements is a tough ask, with few
successful precedents globally.
post is a response to a 'conversation' with WC premier, Helen Zille on Twitter
(@helenzille) about the failure of The City of Cape Town to commit to a process
of getting the problem solved. My biggest grievance is that the current
approach has not even begun to test the possible innovative options and is
desperately lacking in compassion - neglecting the dignity granted to all
people by the bill of rights.
settlements - slums - are a feature of nearly every emerging city. In many ways
they provide an optimal, self-organising strategy for allowing people to escape
rural poverty within whatever means they have and access the social and
economic opportunities of cities. Slums are not, in and of themselves, a
they are devilishly difficult to service with municipal infrastructure - water,
sanitation, waste collection and transport. They're also a challenge for
essential services like health, education and security. In essence this is
because our traditional approach to delivering services is that infrastructure comes
first and people come later. When dwellings come first, we don't have good
models for fitting infrastructure in afterwards.
specific reference to the Cape Town saga, the difficulty is not in providing
flush toilets in slums. That bit is rather easy actually. The difficulty is in
connecting those toilets to the water, sewer and treatment plant infrastructure
that make them work. A conventional flush loo with no sewer is of little use to
anyone... And to retrofit sewer systems into informal settlements is nearly
impossible without displacing thousands of people... Displacing people has been
shown to be a universally bad idea, and especially so in a country with the
political history of South Africa.
result is that local government throw their hands up, claiming to be in a ‘lose-lose’
situation. Unable to deliver the service they are comfortable with (sewer
connected, water-borne sanitation) and facing the demand for flushing toilets
(rather than the all-too-prevalent bucket or pit latrine systems), they deliver
Portable Flush Toilets (PFTs).
are the sort of thing you may be used to using at a construction site or music
festival and are delivered as a flushing 'solution' to the demands of
settlement citizens, without really understanding their underlying needs at
all... It's not really about flushing; but rather safety, dignity and health.
'solution' inevitably falls apart - when inadequately maintained, the PFTs, not
designed for the task of full-time service in the first place, end up broken,
unsanitary and unsafe... And children end up playing in a cesspit, adding to
the already overburdened public health system. PFT's are no real solution, just
cynical a political band-aid to keep the opposition on the back-foot.
it would seem that with a status quo approach to sanitation, cities are
fundamentally unable to deliver effective sanitation services to their
constituents. Decision-makers get focused on technology, and few give serious
considerations to reforming the system. If ever there was a challenge which
required a 'systemic' response rather than just a technology response, this is
systems approach to sanitation might start with function - dignity, safety and
health. Then it might consider resource cycles: the water cycle, treatment
demands, nutrient availability (and potential use), durability and privacy. It
might demand a solution that is cyclical, as there is no 'away' for waste to be
sent, and no resource to carry it there (being disconnected from conventional
water infrastructure too). It might also consider input from all the
stakeholders - professionals, entrepreneurs, citizens, health departments and
civil society (I'm sure there are others too).
the inherent limitations of informal settlements spatially, a permanent
solution that meets the requirements of private, hygienic and safe is
necessarily independent of conventional sewer infrastructure. This means that
we are in the territory of dry-toilet systems (composting toilets),
bio-digesters or wet-toilet systems with stand-alone bio-mechanical water
treatment (or the band-aid PFT solution)...
practice, it will probably be a combination of each. The most important thing
though is that the function of the system be kept foremost in mind, not the
being said, a quick review of the tech is in order.
toilet systems abound, but are usually dependent on relatively low loading.
They are also quite expensive, and don't work well when used inappropriately
(i.e. putting non-biological effluent down them). However, they work very well
when combined with a composting system and provide a cyclical approach to
nutrients without relying on extensive water use. Perhaps most importantly,
once the effluent has been digested by bacteria in the sump, it is sterile and
can be used for fertiliser or fuel - potentially even providing a source of
wet systems (membrane bio reactors for instance) are tech-heavy and require
attention, maintenance and energy. However, they are able to treat water to a
very high standard so that it can be re-used. In theory, a well-designed
packaged plant could fit into a shipping container, be run off a PV array on
the roof and connected to an ablution block to deliver sanitation services.
Tanked water could be provided occasionally to make up for the losses
(typically in sludge drying) but most water would be circulated around the
system. It could conceivably be augmented with some level of biogas collection
and management of dried sludge for fuel purposes.
are vessels which generate biogas through the bacterial digestion of organic
waste. Industrial scale systems are typically aligned with pig farms, but again
the potential exists for small or medium scale systems to be linked with
municipal sanitation services. Again, the 'waste' becomes a resource for the
generation of energy.
on from the technology though, the engagement of end-users is essential, and
civil society has an important role to play. Communities in Cape Town have
rejected dry-toilet systems as inferior - an understandable viewpoint given the
'aspirational' nature of a white, porcelain, flushing loo. But I wonder if
there were an income stream from the provision of sewage (as fertilizer to a
community garden or as feedstock to a bio-digester operator) whether those
perceptions could be shifted.
on what I have seen in successful strategies for renewable energy in informal
entitlements in India using micro-finance (like Pollinate Energy), I am
convinced appropriate solutions for sanitation can be found, with sufficient
humility and willingness to engage.
haven't done the design work and I'm not a waste-water specialist, but I have
been seen a wide range of design processes that challenge the status quo, and
the options are always wider than we first imagine.
believe a first step for Cape Town might be to get some heads around a table -
World Design Capital 2014 might be a good forum to do this in. There are
bio-tech specialists at UCT (and almost certainly elsewhere), world class
engineers and an engaged civil society in the City. Perhaps get a facilitation
specialist to manage the process – a
team like Meshfield... But put experienced, innovative people around a table,
with a brief and a budget and get them thinking, designing and working.
what it's worth, my approach would be:
a range of dry-toilet systems aligned to community gardens (Cape Town has poor
soil, so nutrients are a limitation); not as a strategy to deliver the services
to all, but to showcase how the tech works.
your best to secure buy-in and support from civic, health and community
some of the investment from your health budget as the payback on 'prevention'
will always top that on 'cure'.
it is possible to build a business case around the production of local food,
and the stigma (and actual safety and health) of waste-to-food can be managed
(which they can), then do so. Frame the venture as a business exercise for
value creation from a waste product, and better health and sanitation or a
commission a packaged plant design with ablution facility, intended to be
permanent, that runs a cyclical water re-use system. The system spec should be:
energy neutral (i.e. powered by renewables)
cycle water
provide sterilised, dry sludge that can be used for fuel
could be a university research project or paid design commission from an
innovative engineering firm or start-up. The technology is largely proven and
the challenges are cost, durability and scalability.
would suggest a business plan competition at UCT or UWC business schools, with
seed finding from the City for the winner for either. The most critical thing
is to look at new models for finance, governance and ownership to view the
utility as a community asset rather than an entitled service (which can only
happen with a business plan and finance strategy).
get a feasibility study of the critical mass of bio-gas from effluent and value
the waste in terms of energy production. If it is viable, let an operator strategize
the collection of waste, with a requirement for safe, hygienic and private
know there are no easy solutions to this challenge, if there were, it would be
commonplace by now. However, I also know that we have become complacent in our
design of municipal infrastructure and that alternative opportunities do exist.
acknowledging that the status quo (conventional sewers) is impossible in
informal settlements, and temporary solutions are not in fact solutions, you
create a challenge that must seek new answers.
believe the challenge of innovative delivery of municipal services to informal
settlements is one of the chief global challenges of this decade. I also
believe it will prove crucial to the future competitiveness of emerging market
would hope there sufficient free thinkers, practical innovators and enlightened
governors in Cape Town to at least attempt a fully integrated, multi-level,
multi-tech approach to this challenge.
Great Read! I totally agree with the critique of the 'infrastructure before people' approach in urban management. In addition to the civil society at the proposed first step being 'engaged' I wish to add that they should be 'anchored in the community' if the process and outcomes of this important platform are to be in-step with the fluid nature of the needs, demands and political dynamics in informal settlements. I also propose going beyond securing 'buy in' of CSOs, CBO, etc to identification of- and adopting an innovative process that brings PEOPLE to the centre of problematising the existing situation and identification of solutions.
ReplyDeleteHi Tigere,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feedback - really good comments all.
I agree completely of the importance of bringing people in to the process. It is foundational to the idea of participatory design. One of my chief frustrations is the lack of compassion in the current approach.
But it is also a huge challenge to bridge the gap between 'community' and the technical discussion that underpins feasibility. You need technical people with excellent communications skills and bucket loads of grace and patience to make meaningful progress...
Tanks for engaging.
Rich -
ReplyDeleteMy only comment is that again, this stuff is design led as opposed to stakeholder led.
Too often, government comes in and prescribes solutions to the communities ( ie "getting a group of heads around the table"). My argument is that government's role should be as a facilitator and a funder. Go into the communities first. Then start developing options as a response to particular needs and environments. And only then go to the designers to try and design process to implement the selected solutions.
There is too much moral hazard in the existing environment - giving engineers the scope to design the solutions before they have even consulted with the affected communities is inevitably going to lead to an argument for big mass-scale infrastructure. Because that is where the money and ego is going to be.
Participatory design requires participation first and design later. And we are terrible at that.
ReplyDeleteYes. Agree - I am inherently design-biased, but I'm not advocating design before discussion.
The participation must be at the font end, and throughout, otherwise it's just more "telling-people-what-you're-going-to-do-to-them".
Just don't underestimate the level of technically innovative design work needed to make meaningful progress.
- Rich
Check this out - with thanks to the Gates foundation:
ReplyDeleteLike your take on collaboration and design.Got your contact from Tim in Sydney.Would be great to meet and chat . I am in Adelaide on the 29 and 30 July.Would be good to catch up.I work in the area of Placemaking and Resilience.
Gil M 0402103010